Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tara and her funk beats

So On Sunday night Tara went into an abnormal heart rythm. It started around midnight, and ended around 7 am...yes 7 hours. It was all over the place, from low lows, to high highs. We went to her cardiologist to find out what is going on. Right now, they are not sure. Her Echo looked a little worse than it did last time. But not significant. Right now they put her on a 24 hour event monitor to "capture" anything to see what is going on and how to best treat it. There is a lot of What ifs that we have going on. However knowing that we serve a God who already has her plans set out for her gives us peace.
We love you all and so appreciate your prayers. Pray speciafically that they can capture something on the event monitor in the next 24 hours. That way we know exactlly how to treat it.


  1. praying for you all... glad Jim is home...:-) Text me if you need me to do anything... k?

  2. thanks for taking time out to update Kathie.. prayers and love, Cx
